At the end of June, East African governments found an agreement and decided to work together to build a train track and a motorway in order to strengthen the integration in the region. 8 countries met in Nairobi to talk about the Northern corridor, which should enhance trade as well as security.

It is necessary nowadays that people but also merchandises and services can move easily. Common facilities are essential, then.  

Kenya and Uganda planned to keep building and extending the train tracks at the border

One of the main points of the talk was also how to develop a single customs territory. It would completely reduce the amount of weigh bridges and police exams. This would lead to accelerate the shipping of the merchandises in non-coastal nations such as Burundi, South Sudan, Uganda and Rwanda. The time required to cross the border has already significantly been reduced.

What is more, in the wake of petroleum discoveries in Kenya and Uganda, both governments are thinking about creating a joint procession plant version in order to ease the exportation of oil.

A synergy and a wish to collaborate have really been noticed during this fourteenth summit. Each country seems really keen to boost the cooperation between the East African nations, for the construction, the road security and the custom duties.

Another corridor network could be linking Tanzania to Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi is also being discussed. All in all, more than fifteen infrastructures schemes are under way, aiming at improving social and economical habits.